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Sunday, May 30, 2021

6 Simple Relaxation Techniques for Kids

Kids have a lot of activities each day. From morning til night, they spend their time  watch television, do some school activity or household chore, read books, interact with others,  follow instructions or play with toys or video games. 

Even though their activities may seem simple or easy, kids also get tired, feel upset or feel stressed or get overwhelmed. So yes, they also need to learn how to pause and let their young minds and bodies relax.

What is relaxation?

According to the psychologydictionary, relaxation is defined as the "state of being relaxed. Refreshment of mind and body; reduction in intensity of tension or  vigor; musculature returning to an inactive state after contraction." 

Kids, with all their agility, enthusiasm, and energy, still needs to pause and relax. They also need to refresh their young minds and bodies.  They need to relax in order to regain their strength.

Here are 6 simple relaxation techniques for kids!

1. Breathing Exercise  

Have you ever seen your kids when they feel stressed or scared? When faced with something stressful, some kids freeze or some cry. Other kids turn pale and some turn bright red. You can even hear their hearts beat faster and their breathing becomes more and more shallow. These are the natural reactions of their young body.  

Basically, deep breathing helps the body to get more oxygen into the bloodstream and also helps the heart to slow down. It also lowers the blood pressure and helps the body to calm down.

It is very important for our kids to learn and practice breathing exercises. It will help them adapt a good relaxation technique. It will also help them cope up with problems in a positive way.

So how can we teach our kids deep breathing?

If it is your first time to teach your kids deep breathing, you can use a feather or a pinwheel. 

First, let your kid stand straight and hold the feather near the mouth. Then, let your kid inhale then hold it and count 1 - 2 - 3. Then slowly, let your kid exhale, blowing the the feather gently. Let your kid repeat this again at least 5 times.

For more breathing tricks for kids, you may also read this! 

2. Happy Walk 

According to a recent research study, a 10-minute bout of brisk walking can improve mood state. 

When kids walk, their muscles, such as the hamstrings, the erector muscles of the spine and the hip muscles move and stretch. Walking also helps loosens their young muscles and joints and relaxes their entire body. 

Walking also gives kids a sense of independence while satisfying their curiosity. And with every step they take, kids feel more connected with their surrounding and feel more calmness.

Walk. Walk. Walk.

Let your kids take a walk. A walk to the park or around the front yard. A walk across the street and just find bugs. A walk around the garden and let your kids smell the roses or look for butterflies. 

Walking, as they, is good for the soul. It simply lifts the spirits up. 

3. Music and Movement

You put your right foot in
You take your right foot out
You put your right foot in
And you shake it all about
You do the hokey pokey
And you turn yourself around
That's what it's all about!

Who would ever forget this song? I remember when I used to teach grade-schoolers in the language academy, young students get really stressed in learning English. I heard a 6-year old student say, "Teacher I am too tired to speak" or another who would just hide his face on his book and pretend to sleep. So one time, I used this song and I told them that we are just going to sing and dance for that day since it was Friday. We sang this song and I noticed they were having fun moving their bodies with the song and laughed in following the movements. Soon everybody was having fun and we ended the song in giggles. After that song, they seemed more relaxed and comfortable in class.

According to Maria Rodriguez-Ayllon, "Young people who exercise more have lower levels of depression, stress and psychological distress, and higher levels of positive self-image, life satisfaction and psychological well-being."

When the pandemic started, our kids spend most of their time at home. Unlike before, they cannot just go out to play. Their lives became more and more sedentary. With this, they are glued in their seats and watch television or play video games. How can we ever encourage them to move their bodies?   

One of the ways to encourage our kids to exercise is to use music videos. Seeing other kids move and dance with popular music can draw them to exercise.

Kids just love to move it, move it!


For some zumba videos for kids, check this out!

4. Visualization 

Hospitals can be really frightening for kids. The sight of people in white, medical equipment and syringe can be stressful for a 7-year-old kid. That is how my son felt at that time. I held his hand and I can feel his small hand trembling and his hear was really beating so fast in spite of my calm voice and warm hug. He was only 7 and he needed to undergo surgery in a few hours. 

With a happy voice, I asked him what his favorite movie and he said "Toy Story." We talked about Woody and  Buzz Lightyear. So I told him to imagine that he was watching his favorite TV program and hold on to that thought. He looked a little more relaxed after that.

A child's imagination is very important. It helps them cope up with stressful activities. When we let them visualize a favorite cartoon character, a favorite vacation place, a favorite friend, or favorite food, it helps them think of happy and positive thoughts.

Through visualization, we let them focus their mind and energy into one particular thing, person or event that gives them a positive feeling. And when kids get that positive feeling, the body then relaxes. 

5. Yoga for Kids

A thousand of years ago, a relaxation technique which involves movement, meditation and breathing technique surfaced in India. This was known as Yoga which was derived from the Sanskrit root "Yuj" which meant "to join" or "to unite."

Yoga is believed to unite the mind, body and spirit of a person and generally promotes mental and physical well-being.

Nowadays, more and more people practice Yoga and reap its benefits. Kids can also get a lot of benefits from yoga!

To start with, Yoga helps kids about self-awareness and mindfulness. It also improves kids how to focus and improve concentration skills. Through Yoga, kids utilize the various part of the body in a smooth and well-controlled manner. These movements also further enhance kids' flexibility and strength. Yoga also improves mood and affect.

Here are some easy yoga poses for kids: 

Image source: 

 For more ideas or information about Yoga for kids, just click these sites:

 6. Playing an Instrument

Primarily, playing musical instrument cultivates love for music and enhance musical abilities. But do you know, playing an instrument is also a good relaxation technique?
Playing instruments help kids calm their nerves. This also let them focus on making music rather than focus on their problem. In addition, as kids play their instruments, it lowers their stress hormone and make them feel relaxed.
Some instruments like woodwind instruments let kids practice deep breathing which I have mentioned earlier is a good relaxation technique. In playing drums, kids use their hands, feet and a lot of muscles which also becomes some kind of good exercise as well.
As kids run their fingers on the guitar strings or piano keys, they tend to forget about their stressor or problem which helps their heartbeat and blood pressure to a healthier level.
Creating their music with instruments also pave way for self-expression. Whether they want to create soft or loud music, slow or fast rhythm, they can express how they feel.

If you are thinking of using this technique but you don't have an idea how to help your kid get the instrument for them, read this!  


As parents, we need to remind our kids about the 

importance of relaxation and how it affects their 

physical and mental health. 

We also need to show them that 

it is AS IMPORTANT as being active and playing 

and should be part of their self-care. 

Lastly, we need to guide them always and 

let them choose to adapt relaxation techniques

that are HEALTHY and POSITIVE .


Wednesday, May 19, 2021

4 Fun Ways to Encourage Our Kids to Be More Eco-friendly

Greta Thunberg, a young environmentalist from Sweden, said that - "No one is too small to make a difference, everyone can do something. I everyone did something that huge difference can happen."

This is true. In protecting our planet, every small deed can make a big impact. One eco-friendly habit can go a long way and it is everybody's responsibility to take care of our environment. 

Yes, everybody, even our kids. Our kids, how small they may seem, can still make a huge difference. 

As parents, it is our responsibility to raise environmentally conscious kids!

So how do we pass down these eco-friendly habits and make our kids love and care for the environment?

Here are 5 fun ways to encourage our kids to be more eco-friendly!

1.    Art and Recycling  

Superhero, robot, princess, animal, space-ranger – kids just love to play dress-up!  Kids are naturally imitative creatures and they love to wear different costumes and be who they want to be!

Check your shelves for old boxes, egg trays, tissue rolls, old newspaper, buttons, bottles and other stuff. With a sprinkle of creativity and a dash of patience, you can definitely make your kid’s very own costume!


I used to buy costumes for my kids and I would spend a lot for one costume. Later, I have realized that DIY costumes are not as difficult to make as they seem. It was actually fun!


For the online science fair of my 8-year old kid, we created a space suit out of an old cake box, egg trays, empty tissue rolls, old face shield, and some colored paper. I drew and cut the pattern and my kid helped in putting scotch tape. He also pitched in some cool ideas as to what his space suit should look like and he even drew the space gun that he would use. He was so thrilled with his space-ranger costume and 'twas a bonus when he was chosen as one of the "Best Costume" in class!

Making DIY costumes does not only help us save money or enhance our kid’s creativity, it also sends a very important message to our kids --- recycling is important! 


Through recycling, we reuse materials like bottles, egg tray, paper which reduces the amount of waste produced. We also show our kids that collecting recyclable materials help reduce pollution and help us protect our environment.


Re-use. Reduce. Recycle. This is one of the most important eco-friendly habits we need to pass to our children.


By mixing recycling with art, we show our kids that used stuff like bottles, paper and plastic can be turned into something useful and wonderful. Mixing recycling with art surely makes it more fun for kids!


Here are some websites you can visit which also make us of recyclable materials into art!   


Want to try Bubble Wrap Painting? 

 Or if you have left over yard and cardboard, 

you can also do this Spring Activity, check this out!




 Do you have lots of empty plastic bottles

and you are looking for craft ideas, click this some easy and cool crafts using recylcled bottles!


2.    Gardening 



In school, kids learned all about photosynthesis and how plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen molecules. Kids also learned that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and that too much of it can cause global warming which is really bad for our planet!


More plants, more trees equal more oxygen and less carbon dioxide.


Well, through gardening, we do not only reinforce what they have learned in science class but more importantly, we show that our kids can also help in reducing the greenhouse gas and thus help in stopping global warming!


To make gardening more fun for kids, let them play with soil and involve them in picking out plants or flowers to plant. You can also buy a watering can and gardening tools your kids could use.


Gardening is a good way to introduce nature to our kids This pandemic crisis makes it very challenging for us to go outdoors and take nature trips, but with gardening, our kids can still get in touch with nature.


Kids also learn to appreciate nature more when he learns to grow or take care of plants. Just like flowers, the interest and love for the environment will also blossom in our kids’ hearts. 


If you want to start a garden at home, 

and you need some ideas, check this out:


3.    Nature Trip

Raising environmentally conscious kids is quite important in saving our planet. Our kids will be the leaders in the future. If our kids love nature, they will grow up to be nature-loving adults. These are the kind of leaders we need to help protect our planet.

    Taking kids to nature trips help engage their natural curiosity and   wonder. Through nature trips, we give our kids a chance to explore and learn more about the environment. We also give our kids a chance to appreciate and love the earth more.

Because of the pandemic crisis, traveling can be really challenging. As much as we want to take our kids to camping or to the beach, we hesitate because of the health crisis.


But you do not have to go far to take nature trips. You can visit the nearest park, walk in the woods nearby, or pitch your kid’s tent right outside your porch.


You can also buy your kids magnifying lens, binoculars, or telescope which can help as they explore nature. Or you can give your kids some paper and crayons and let them draw what they see outside such as butterflies, clouds, or trees. 


For kids who can already write, give them a journal where they can write all about nature! Or give them a camera and let them take photos of the flowers and animals they see. There are so many ways to make the most of your nature trips!  


In taking your kids to nature trips, be to follow the necessary health protocols in your area.

 4.   Simple Eco-friendly Habits at Home

Aristotle once said that “Good habits formed at youth make all the difference.”

Indeed, the habits formed in youth are often carried to adulthood and these habits make all the difference in their lives. As parents, we need to help our kids make good and healthy habits.

Having an eco-friendly lifestyle does not happen overnight. When eco-friendly habits are learned and practiced daily, an eco-friendly lifestyle is built. These habits begin right inside our very homes. Here are some fun ways on how to practice eco-friendly habits at home!

Watching television and using gadgets can waste a lot of energy.  Divert your kid’s attention to other activities. This way, kids learn an eco-friendly habit and help conserve  energy


When spring came, my husband cleaned out the porch and we put a table, 2 chairs, and a flower rack. It became our garden and our resting place. A couple of month ago, we started the "porch time" every afternoon.

Nowadays because of the health crisis, my kids cannot really go out and play so they spend a lot of time inside the house and watch television or use gadgets. Porch time became the no-television and no-gadget time. Here outside the porch, they get to read, play an instrument, draw, and eat their favorite snacks. For more than an hour, they actually forget about their favorite TV program and video game!

With their daily personal tasks or household chores, we can also integrate eco-friendly habits.

For instance, during brushing time, let your kids use a cup and remind them not to waste water.  When you go shopping with your kids, try to use an eco bag or reusable cloth shopping bag. By doing so, you teach your kids a practical and eco-friendly habit.


When having parties or get-together at home, use reusable straws and utensils. The eco-friendly bamboo straws are also becoming a trend nowadays! Try not to use paper plates or styro cups or other disposable utensils. This way, kids will grow up in being more environmentally-conscious.


You can also set a recycling bin and let your kids put the empty bottles inside the bin. When my eldest kid was about 5 years old, I let him put empty bottles inside the recycle bin and I let him count them out at the end of the week. When the bottles he collected are 10 or more, I stamp stars on his hand. He was so happy to put all the bottles inside the bin and earn his stars.

When doing household chores, instead of using a vacuum cleaner all the time, you can also use the broom.  I only use the vacuum cleaner once a week and most of the time; I use a broom to sweep the floor. I also tell my kids to use the broom to clean their study and play area. My youngest who is 8 years old love to clean with this small broom and his very own rag. He calls them his "cleaning tools."  

Always remember, even simple habits at home can make a lot of difference!


Want your kids to learn some songs about saving the planet or conserving energy?  Check this out!


Here are more ways on how kids can help 

conserve energy at home:


Raising eco-friendly kids can be challenging at times but it will be easier when you follow these 4 fun ways to encourage our kids to be more eco-friendly

Always remember,  

"No one is too small to make a difference!"